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Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Guest Speaker: Jim Jones
Enjoy this session and if you are encouraged by it, please email us to let us know, and share it with a friend.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
A Risky Christmas Adventure
This is Christmastime in 2009 and it seems we all are trying to be safe. Amidst a face smile of good cheer we are only trying to cheaply mask the fear surrounding our national security, personal finances, and shaky relationships. The last thing we are truly experiencing is peace on earth or good will toward men. But, there is hope.
When it was time to bring God in body into the world (Jesus), a message went out of the Messiah's birth but it didn't go out to he high fleutin' politicians in Washington, DC or the religious leaders in the vatican; instead it went out to the plain old working class folks just like you and I. People who have issues, bad days, and are at time insecure are the ones God saw purpose in and it is them that he brought ground breaking news to.
Today that same knews is coming to you, and you have to face the decision of what you are going to do now that you know where Jesus is. Only a fool would know where Jesus is and not run to him.
If you are encouraged by this session please email and let us know and share it with a friend.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Facing Winter
This fact should motivate the Christ follower. We are standing in our prepared state and have all we need to face this winter while others stand unprepared. Some great about Jesus is that when he equips us to face this winter he also gives us everything we need to prepare others. Literally we have the boots, mittens, and coat the everyone needs to be delivered from the impending threat of winter. Sadly, many Christ followers tend to scoff at the ones on the outside and talk about how foolish they are and display their disbelief that anyone would go out in the cold dressed in such a way, instead of sharing the warmth with them.
The last challenge Jesus gave to His followers while on planet earth was for them to share the warm; equip others.
Check out this final session of our "Harvest Before Winter" series. If it blesses you in any way please let us know it and share it with a friend.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Turn Around.
Sadly I believe many well intentioned Pastors and Evangelist have missed the point of how Jesus became the days superstar of truth and attracted people from hundereds of miles away to walk days just to see him. Mark 1 relays to us the even of Jesus entering into his adult manhood and calling and also shows us the approach that Jesus took. Verse 15 is the first words Jesus speaks in this book and he says, "Repent and Believe...". Now, these are the same words that the man I saw speak was using but again, I can't picture Jesus, jumping, slapping, and spraying spit onto the crowd. In our society the term "Repent" is associated with a man doing all these things but not Jesus.
"Repent" literally means to turn around. Jesus is inviting people to turn around. Why? Because they won't like the destination they are heading toward. He contines and says "Believe". Jesus is in essence telling them "You won't like where you are heading; believe me on this one, turn around, come back this way... come back to me." That is a bit different that how most soapbox preachers present this verse, isn't it? Repent is not a negative word, it is a positive invitation to a better destination because we believe Jesus.
Have to recognized yet that your natural path is not taking you to the destination you desire to be at? Do you need to turn around, beleive Jesus, and reach the destination your soul longs for?
Watch this session as we learn about this turn around. If it blesses you please let us know and share it with others.
Monday, November 23, 2009
What is Your Life?
I encourage you to do something today. Ask yourself, "What is my life?". Really, stop and reflect on it. Scripture poses the question "What is your life?" and gives the insite that it is a vapor. It is here and then it is gone. We run our lives like we are the here all and end all. Consumerism is the recipe of the day and we feel life we must reach the standard of living portraid by commercials and celebraties or else we will never be happy. We end up running our lives as if the goal is to acquire wealth, possessions, and build shallow relationship then wonder why the depression rates are at all time highs, insomnia is not explained as normal to tens of millions of people, and relationships are falling apart quicker than my two year old can dismember a pb & j sandwich.
My suggestion is this. As you examine your life and seek to discover your life's meaning you will have to know the intent of your life before you can discover your purpose. This now becomes an origins game. Consider the fact that you were not made my some random accident, rather you were created by a loving God who makes nothing or no reason but makes all things for his enjoyment and ours. From the beginning of life we were created to know God and have a relationship with Him which allows us to get to know him more. You were intended to be connected with God. But, somewhere along the line this connection was broken through our rebellion, since then mankind has been on a path leading us away from our intended purpose.
Mark 1.15 Jesus says, "You're going the wrong way, turn around... you've got to believe me on this one." And asks us all to open our eyes and see what we are doing to ourselves and then look at a far better life he has in store for us. A life free of selfishness, consumerism, and depression.
Enjoy this video session as we explore the idea of answering the question, "What is your life?" If you receive a blessing from this video please take moment to let us know and then pass it along to a friend.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Beautiful World
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Disease in the Field.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sleeping During the Harvest
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Faith Takes Action
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Faith Looks Forward
Did you ever stop to think about the rear view mirror in your car? Man, that has to be one of the greatest safety devices known to the auto industry! I use that thing all the time and would encourage everyone to use it. Oh, the great things it has to reveal; it tells you where you are coming from, what your are coming out of, who is about to pass you, the cop is coming up on you fast, or what the kids are yelling about this time. We have all been the person who had to slam on their breaks just in time and then immediately check the rearview mirror to make sure the person behind us has stopped. This small, rectangular device is a must have for all vehicles or we would continually be taking our eyes far from the road ahead to turn around and look out the back window; since I drive on a regular basis, I'll thank you ahead of time for not doing this.
The rearview mirror is great, but do you know why it is small; smaller than the windshield; why all the seats don't just face backward so we can clearly see behind us? Because cars were made to go forward. So are you.
It is true that best predicter of the future is the past, but we must not live life constantly looking backward. You cannot safely move forward while looking backwards. Sadly, many people are doing this today. Past relationships, heart break, past successes, and past failures are just a brief touch on things that hold people from looking through the clear window of where they are headings. Since they are looking backward they can never direct thier lives to a place which they want to go.
This concept is sad but true. In the Old Testament Biblical times some of the founders of what lead to the Christian faith did something very cool. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph all did something very bold on their death beds to ensure that their contemporaries and generations to come would have hope and peace. Each one of them shared the root of their success; they shared their faith. They shared that all they had in life was a tribute to God and the way he kept the promise he had given to them, but it had to face forward. Faith is not effective if it stands still or looks backward; but when facing forward, there is not force that can stop faith.
You have been designed to reach great heights and fulfill great purpose. You were designed to make a difference the same way the founding leaders of faith did... through faith. Are you ready to stop staring at the rear view mirror and do whatever it takes to move forward toward what God created you for? Watch this session and let it change your life. If you enjoy it let us know and pass it along to a friend. enjoy.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Faith Gives Vision
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Faith Through Disaster.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Seeking God's Approval
As we continue through Hebrews 11, the Hall of Faith, we find a guy who is known for little more than events which revolve around one thing... he pleased God. Enoch is the guys name and he found the approval of God. How? Join us as we discover the answer to than questions and pay close attention to how you can live a life with God's approval.
Smash My Ride - Episodes 3 and 4
Here are episodes 3 and 4.
Smash My Ride - 3 of 4:
Smash My Ride - 4 of 4:
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A Dead Guy Talks.
Okay, so before I freak you out I should likely explain that statement: We will all leave a legacy; something we are known for after we kick the bucket. Once you die it is nearly guaranteed that you will be talked about the next time the family is together feasting over a warm Thanksgiving bird; what will they say? When your kids tell your grandkids about you what will they say? What they say reflects your legacy. Through you legacy you will speak to generations to come... you will be talking dead man (or woman).
In our look through Hebrews 11, or better known as the "Hall of Faith", we will find several dead people whose legacies speak to us. Today we look at Abel. Abel lived at the dawn of time and we know very little about him. However, Hebrews 11 says that he was a man of faith and faith drove him to seek excellence. His legacy is one of faith, sacrfice, and excellence; what is yours?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Hall of Faith and You
Sermon from Sunday, September 6, 2009
When someone is really good at what they do we place them onto a pedistal. This pedistal is not always that of idolatry, rather recognition for the superb job they do. In theory, when someone is born they have the same opportunity to be recorded in a Hall of Fame as anyone else. What makes the difference? According to people who have been inducted into one of the numerous Halls, a key to their success was beginning when they were young. The older we are, the harder it is to develop into what will leave a legacy. You may get good, but a legacy isn't likely to follow. The same is try spiritually.
When someone comes to Jesus, it is very important that they begin right away learning how to develop that life as a Christ Follower. Hebrews 11 is full of people whom have left a legacy for Jesus Christ but it didn't come because they woke up one day and decided to do something great; their legact comes from continued devotion to following God... but it all started somewhere.
You can leave a legacy, but it needs to begin asap. Today is the day to begin living a devoted life. You are already leaving a legacy; is it the one you want to leave? Enjoy this service as we talk about your opportunity to be named in the Hall of Faith. What will people be saying about you after you pass on? You can decide, you can begin. Today.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Smash My Ride - Smash Bash 2009
This year we decided to take a very fun approach to promoting this event and make 4 espisodes mimicking MTV's Pimp My Ride. We created "Smash My Ride". Each episode has a creative fun twist and shows the progress of our car, as well as calling people to action.
Smash Bash is September 19th at 12n. Come out and bring the family for a day of fun!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Up Your Thanks.
Think of this; if you are not thankful for what you have you are focused on what you don't have. If you are focused on what you don't have your are coveting which is a sin (Exodus 20.17), and you are festering a life of greed. There are differernt kinds of thanks to offer: Natural Thanks, and Pure Thanks. There are likely more, but this is what we will look at today. Natural thanks is simply recognizing something was done for you and you say thanks. Sometimes it is empty or sometimes it is with an alterior motive... trying to flatter the giver so they will return often and with more. Pure thanks is totally different; it responds to generosity with acts of love. Pure love never says "thank you, but...".
When it comes to our faith we are to have Pure Thanks for what Jesus has done for us. I Thessalonians 5.18 gives us insight into the seemingly elusive will of God which we are all seek, and tells us that giving thanks is part of the glue that holds it all together. You reaching your full potential of abundance and greatness in Jesus Christ is determined by your level and purity of thanks.
Please take the next half hour to sit back and reflect on your life as you view this challenging installment called "Up Your Thanks." Share it with a friend and then write us and let us know how it changed your life.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
What About Jesus' Momma?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
What does Jesus Mean for Today?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
If Jesus was God, How Could He Be a Man?
If Jesus is God, why would he ever chose to come to earth, and if he did come to earth why would he come in a human body? If I were God the last thing I would want to do is elect to be a human, be treated like a human, experience life as a human, smell like a human, or go get old like a human. But Jesus did. Why? Was he on a mid-life adventure trip or was there a reason for it?
If you have ever thought these things like me, you will benefit from hearing this very practical, down-to-earth sermon on Jesus being a man and doing normal man things. Jesus did not come to earth as God in human form for fun; God works intentionally with purpose. Join us in discovering that purpose.
Fair Warning: This session will change your perception of Jesus and possibly shock and or offend you.
As requested, here is a copy of the list from the Book of Mark as stated in the Sermon.
1. Ch. 1. Jesus yells at complete strangers telling them to repent, orders guys to quit their jobs to follow him, and tells demons and leper to keep their mouths shut.
2. Ch. 2. Jesus picks a fight with religious leaders because he did the equivalent of breaking into church and making sandwiches out of communion bread.
3. Ch. 3. Jesus gets angry and he ignores his mom.
4. Ch. 4. Jesus rebukes the wind.
5. Ch. 5. Jesus kills 2,000 pigs.
6. Ch. 6. Jesus offends people.
7. Ch. 7. He publically calls the religious leaders hypocrites and goes on a tirade about them.
8. Ch. 8. Jesus gets frustrated, puts spit in a guys eyes, and calls Peter “Satan”
9. Ch. 9. Jesus gets sick of some people and asks them, “How long do I have to put up with you.”
10. Ch. 10. He tells a rich guy to sell his stuff and give it to the poor.
11. Ch. 11. He has a disciple take a donkey without asking and kills a fig tree
12. Ch. 12. Jesus tells people they are wrong and that they don’t know their Bibles.
13. Ch. 13. Jesus threatens to destroy the temple.
14. Ch. 14. Jesus yells at his friends for taking a nap late at night after running them all over the place for 3 years.
15. Ch. 15. He is murdered.
16. Ch. 16. He is alive again.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What's So Special About Jesus?
These questions and more are answered in this sermon.
Sermon: What's So Special About Jesus?
finding answers. together.
Finding Answers. Together. is designed for people who are willing to look at what they believe and admit they don't have all the answers but want them. You'd be scared to know that most everyone is just like everyone else... we all have questions. You won't find answers unless your questions are asked. That is what we are finding... answers.
This series takes a very commonsense approach and is not for the heavily intellectual person, but for the commoner. Bible is used but so is logic. It is serious topic studies but delivered with humor and satire. Some could argue, "You can't use logic to answer questions about Christ... we are to walk by faith and not by sight." I agree about walking by faith, but don't forget that if you are saying this statement you are likely a current follower of Christ and have faith; but we are sent to people who are not Christ followers and do not have faith. Realize that even the Christ follower does not have blind faith; the Christ follower has seen enough to believe and continues to believe and therefore sees. (Yes, that does make sense but you may have to read it a few times and then have your mom explain it to you.)
If you have questions you would like us to answer in this series please feel free to email them over to me: pastor@millettbbc.org. If your question fits into the flow of the series it will be considered. Makes sure to keep up with the series as you may have it answered somewhere throughout it.
If you are enlightened or inspired by this series please let me know as well. Send me an email and share your blessing. Be sure to tell which sermon touched you and how.
I look forward to having you join me as we continue Finding Answers. Together.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Did Jesus Really Come Back to Life?
Since we began on Easter we began with the question, "Did Jesus Really Come Back to Life?" Good question. Think about it, could it really have happened? Do you really believe it? Just because your grandma did doesn't mean you have to; she also believed rubbing butter on a burn was the right thing to do but we all know it is the worst. Is their really any proof that Jesus, the worlds most popular person could really die and really come back to life? Watch this video as we explored conspiracy theories and seek truth.
Sermon - Did Jesus Really Come Back to Life?
Easter Choir.
Special - Arise My Love
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Easter Sunday! Great Day!
From tasteful choir songs and other special music to starting a new sermon series called Finding Answers. Together. Face it, we all have questions concerning spiritual things and in this series we are looking at objective evidence that Jesus and Christianity are truly legit.
Take some time to enjoy the special moments of the day! Below are video clips from the celebration service.
Piano Solo - Myrical
Special - Communion
Special - This man
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Jesus' Freedom March.
Luke 19 records this freedom march. Grab your Bible and follow along.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Where You'll Find Jesus
Thursday, March 19, 2009
What the Resurrection Means Today.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Grand Prix Winners! 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Grand Prix 2009
Enjoy the pictures and watch the video.