Welcome to the MBBC Blog

Welcome to the official blog of the Millett Bible Baptist Church. I hope you are able to find enrichement and worth in your life through the postings made on this site. Please make sure to visit our main site at http://www.millettbbc.org/.We are a Baptist Church by name and a Bible Church by action. Please take a walk on this spiritual journey called life with us as we further our quest of truth in the name of Jesus Christ.We believe in a positive approach to the issues of life and we find the answers to be in the Bible. The Bible contains the answer to life, and they are free for the taking, all you have to do is open it to begin unlocking the rich life God has set for you.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

If Jesus was God, How Could He Be a Man?

If Jesus is God, why would he ever chose to come to earth, and if he did come to earth why would he come in a human body? If I were God the last thing I would want to do is elect to be a human, be treated like a human, experience life as a human, smell like a human, or go get old like a human. But Jesus did. Why? Was he on a mid-life adventure trip or was there a reason for it?

If you have ever thought these things like me, you will benefit from hearing this very practical, down-to-earth sermon on Jesus being a man and doing normal man things. Jesus did not come to earth as God in human form for fun; God works intentionally with purpose. Join us in discovering that purpose.

Fair Warning: This session will change your perception of Jesus and possibly shock and or offend you.

As requested, here is a copy of the list from the Book of Mark as stated in the Sermon.

1. Ch. 1. Jesus yells at complete strangers telling them to repent, orders guys to quit their jobs to follow him, and tells demons and leper to keep their mouths shut.
2. Ch. 2. Jesus picks a fight with religious leaders because he did the equivalent of breaking into church and making sandwiches out of communion bread.
3. Ch. 3. Jesus gets angry and he ignores his mom.
4. Ch. 4. Jesus rebukes the wind.
5. Ch. 5. Jesus kills 2,000 pigs.
6. Ch. 6. Jesus offends people.
7. Ch. 7. He publically calls the religious leaders hypocrites and goes on a tirade about them.
8. Ch. 8. Jesus gets frustrated, puts spit in a guys eyes, and calls Peter “Satan”
9. Ch. 9. Jesus gets sick of some people and asks them, “How long do I have to put up with you.”
10. Ch. 10. He tells a rich guy to sell his stuff and give it to the poor.
11. Ch. 11. He has a disciple take a donkey without asking and kills a fig tree
12. Ch. 12. Jesus tells people they are wrong and that they don’t know their Bibles.
13. Ch. 13. Jesus threatens to destroy the temple.
14. Ch. 14. Jesus yells at his friends for taking a nap late at night after running them all over the place for 3 years.
15. Ch. 15. He is murdered.
16. Ch. 16. He is alive again.

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