Look around and you will see there are issues today and some that are unlikely to go away. The world economy has collapsed, crime is on the rise, and some believe life will end in 2012. Every group claims to have a problem to all these issues; politicians, scientists, and psychologists all have theoretical solutions. Jeremiah also had a bit of insight on this but his does not come from observation; his comes from God.
As mankind searches for a solution we often come up with ways to calm the effects of an underlying problem and can never deal with the problem because we deny what the real problem is. Jeremiah sought God's take of the situation and God spoke to him with the answer. In Scripture, Jeremiah 17.9 we see God's revelation to Jeremiah was the deep within the heart is the problem; our disconnection with God is the problem. Since society has by-and-large left any recognition of God they have also denied there could be anyway to please or displease God. Without recognizing God one cannot deal with the fact of this disconnecting nor can they do what it takes to reconnect it.
We are currently in a series talking about the parallel God uses about a farm and his followers. Take time to view this session. If it blesses you let us know and share it with friend.
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