David is loved by all but what makes him so special. Sure, we say "David, a man after God's own heart" and give him a lot of credit for being a really great warrior and king, but David was a failure in so many accounts it isn't even funny. David failed at his marriage. David failed in his family. David failed in humility. David was selfish. In the midst of all David failed at we sit back and give him some of the highest praise of all the people in scripture. Is this all for no reason or just because we like to hear stories of a hero that can take down a giant? Are we putting this guy on some pedestal that needs to be knocked down a few notches? What makes this guy so special? Does playing a harp and having the kings son as a childhood friend make you such a special person that people think you are cool? The answer to all of these questions: No.
Yes, David failed in many areas just like we do, but there is something about David that is reflected the most in the first verse of the vast majority of the Psalms. Take a moment and skim through the first verse of nearly every Psalm and you find something in common; David is calling out to God. David wants to be heard by God. David wants to hear from God. David is wanting to further his relationship with God. Can all of these things be said of us? It can be said of David and that is some of what makes this guy special.
In Psalm 15 David proposes the question of how he can ABIDE in the tabernacle; the place where God was dwelling at the time. He wanted to know how he could DWELL in the holy hill. David is not wanting to visit the presence of God, he is wanted to stay in the presence of God. From verse 2 through the end of the chapter he is answering his own question under inspiration of God. He spells out a lifestyle that conveys the holy character of God. A lifestyle that is needed by each of us and if each of us lived this character we would see the world change a record speeds for Christ. Now, notice that the question is not "how do I get saved?" rather, (paraphrased) "How do I stay in the active presence of God?" and the answer had to do with how we live. This is not legalism for it is not adding anything to salvation, but it is promoting a lifestyle that reflects integrity and character for a greater reason than "because it is nice". We must live a life of integrity for the fact that it will help us remain in the active presence of God.
David demonstrates this type of integrity in Psalm 38. It seems that everyone is coming down on David and he feels that the heat is on. As you enter verse 12 the skeptics are breathing down his neck and he would have every reason to start lashing out and backbiting but he doesn't. What does he do? He becomes as a deaf mute who refuses to listen to the scrutiny of his critics or shoot off his mouth in retaliation. Instead he turns his focus from being on the prosecution to being on the Lord. When it would be easy to play childish name calling games or a bar-room brawl, David chooses to please God over scuffling with men. David chose to live the life of integrity in the active presence of God over a life of superficial conflict.
What will we choose? In chapter 15 we have a clear lifestyle integrity spelled out for us. Now the question shifts to us, "Are you willing to live lifestyle godly character and integrity so you can dwell in the active presence of God?"
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