Welcome to the MBBC Blog

Welcome to the official blog of the Millett Bible Baptist Church. I hope you are able to find enrichement and worth in your life through the postings made on this site. Please make sure to visit our main site at http://www.millettbbc.org/.We are a Baptist Church by name and a Bible Church by action. Please take a walk on this spiritual journey called life with us as we further our quest of truth in the name of Jesus Christ.We believe in a positive approach to the issues of life and we find the answers to be in the Bible. The Bible contains the answer to life, and they are free for the taking, all you have to do is open it to begin unlocking the rich life God has set for you.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Faith Takes Action

I have to admit something. I have a this facebook account and I keep track of a lot of people whom I haven't talked to or seen in years... really cool, right?! This is nothing new, you probably have one too and do the same thing. But do you do something else I do that is really silly? I join these groups and causes for things that are really good things like "Stop Domestic Violence" or "Abortion is Murder". At face value this all sound really good and makes me look like I care, but I don't. Well, not that I don't care about these things, but if joining that group or cause meant I have do send them money (even a one time gift) or show up to work a benefit event once and a while I wouldn't.

Please feel free to judge me for this but immediately following your judgement please go to your facebook page and ask yourself the same thing about all the groups and causes you are a member of. I do find my support for these causes and more are taken care of though other involvement in church or organizations.

My point is this... we like to say we care and are willing to support something but we really don't if we are not willing to take action on it. Our claims are empty and superficial at best. The same is true with our faith if we don't take action upon it. Jesus is often seen as a great philosopher with a get out of hell free card for all who think that way. Jesus never intended for his life and his sacrifice to be viewed in this way. Faith was intended to produce action. The author the book of James said it this way, "Faith without works is dead". Like roadkill on the highway it is there but it also stinks and is viewed as in the way; it is dead.

Your faith is intended to move you forward and others around you also. Check out this session of our service. If you find it inspiring and helpful please pass it along.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Faith Looks Forward

Did you ever stop to think about the rear view mirror in your car? Man, that has to be one of the greatest safety devices known to the auto industry! I use that thing all the time and would encourage everyone to use it. Oh, the great things it has to reveal; it tells you where you are coming from, what your are coming out of, who is about to pass you, the cop is coming up on you fast, or what the kids are yelling about this time. We have all been the person who had to slam on their breaks just in time and then immediately check the rearview mirror to make sure the person behind us has stopped. This small, rectangular device is a must have for all vehicles or we would continually be taking our eyes far from the road ahead to turn around and look out the back window; since I drive on a regular basis, I'll thank you ahead of time for not doing this.

The rearview mirror is great, but do you know why it is small; smaller than the windshield; why all the seats don't just face backward so we can clearly see behind us? Because cars were made to go forward. So are you.

It is true that best predicter of the future is the past, but we must not live life constantly looking backward. You cannot safely move forward while looking backwards. Sadly, many people are doing this today. Past relationships, heart break, past successes, and past failures are just a brief touch on things that hold people from looking through the clear window of where they are headings. Since they are looking backward they can never direct thier lives to a place which they want to go.

This concept is sad but true. In the Old Testament Biblical times some of the founders of what lead to the Christian faith did something very cool. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph all did something very bold on their death beds to ensure that their contemporaries and generations to come would have hope and peace. Each one of them shared the root of their success; they shared their faith. They shared that all they had in life was a tribute to God and the way he kept the promise he had given to them, but it had to face forward. Faith is not effective if it stands still or looks backward; but when facing forward, there is not force that can stop faith.

You have been designed to reach great heights and fulfill great purpose. You were designed to make a difference the same way the founding leaders of faith did... through faith. Are you ready to stop staring at the rear view mirror and do whatever it takes to move forward toward what God created you for? Watch this session and let it change your life. If you enjoy it let us know and pass it along to a friend. enjoy.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Faith Gives Vision

You cannot have faith and not see something bigger or better that now.

In scripture Abraham is recorded in "The Hall of Faith" in Hebrews 11 for the very reason that he had faith and he had vision. His faith directed his vision. His faith equiped him to take steps toward a greater future for him or his family than he could achieve on his own. Abraham left his land, his job, and his family behind to journey to a land he would never settle in but knew God would provide it for his kids. Abraham's faith gave him a vision that directed his actions to be about someone other than himself.

What is your vision in life? Are you all about you? Are you so settled on your own opinions that you don't have time to listen to an eternal God who created you with a far bigger purpose than to sit around and be a junk food disposal?

If we are only one planet earth for a brief 80 years and it is all over, what's the point? God had a greater vision for you in mind; have God in mind when you set your vision.

To clarify more on this idea I encourage you to spend the next 30 minutes viewing this session. If you like it pass it on and let us know about it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Faith Through Disaster.

Life happens, but so does blessing.

God never intended for you to face a day without the hope of brightness at the end. No, there is no promise that all will go your way or that you will be rich or famous. While some promise you can get rich quick and make your body sexy by Monday, God offers no such things; but he does offer hope. Hope that you will make it through. Hope that your life is worth living. Hope that disasters can become blessings.

Recently I have been reminded of the way God's Hope works. I have a tendency to see anything that inconveniences me as a curse from God and often ask the question "WHY!" right before a curse word flies through my mind and I want to throw something at the next person I see. It is at these times that I do not want some religious lunatic telling me that there is a loving God that has it all in control. (Frankly, throwing something at the moron who is doing 35 in the 55mph zone sounds like a much better way to handle my irritation.) It is after the whole thing settles down that I sit back and think to myself... "man, that was stupid... you got that upset about... blah, blah, blah... What's wrong with you?" Now, I know what you are thinking right now; "This guys is a Pastor and he does that too?!" Yes, it is a normal instinct to get ticked off from time to time and later regret it or realize how foolish it was.

The important thing for us at that point in time is that we stop are think about things and purpose in our heart to let our Faith take control the next time we begin to act and think selfishly. It may seem like a disaster at the time, or at least a major inconvenience, but you don't know what God is planning at that moment; you are not the only person alive and God may be working some divine intervention at that moment. The person 2 cars in front of your 3 cars behind you may have been killed in a fatal accident if God hadn't put the 83 year old grandma in the front of the pack to slow them down. Maybe it is you who is spared a fatal accident.

The point is this: disasters will come to your life; how will you handle them? God gives us great insight in scripture of how to listen to His way of working, and follow his warnings before we later regret it. Noah is a great example of this. Think about it, Noah was an old man when God told him to build the ark; the last thing this old guy wanted to do is build a boat miles from water to be made fun of and thought of as the town idiot... but he did it! Why? Because long before he was asked to build a boat he had placed his faith in God and purpose in his heart that God was a better choice to follow than his own selfish desires and ambitions.

For more on this topic watch this sermon from the "Hall of Faith" series. If it blesses you, share it with a friend.