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Welcome to the official blog of the Millett Bible Baptist Church. I hope you are able to find enrichement and worth in your life through the postings made on this site. Please make sure to visit our main site at http://www.millettbbc.org/.We are a Baptist Church by name and a Bible Church by action. Please take a walk on this spiritual journey called life with us as we further our quest of truth in the name of Jesus Christ.We believe in a positive approach to the issues of life and we find the answers to be in the Bible. The Bible contains the answer to life, and they are free for the taking, all you have to do is open it to begin unlocking the rich life God has set for you.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What About Jesus' Momma?

Our apologies to our regular web viewers who faithfully watch our services via this blog, due to technical difficulties we are unable to post this weeks service. However, it will be available at a later date when we have this "Finding Answer.Together." complete dvd set available in July.

On Mother's Day we were able to keep a good think going but continuing our series as well as be themed around Mother's. Specifically we talked about Jesus' Momma. Did you know that Mary contains the second most controversial topic in all scripture?! Yes, our little old, innocent Mary packs quite a bombshell in her role of scripture. The virgin birth makes here a hot topic. Now, some of you reading this just thought "Really, what is there to wonder about?" while others thought, "Isn't that the truth... who made that one up?".

The Bible is very clear that Mary was a virgin when Jesus was both conceived and born. Some groups believe she even remained a virgin the rest of her life. With all of this controversy, lets take a look at what the Bible does and does not say about Mary and then try to weigh out what stance we should take on Mary. Cue the lights and music because here we go...

Mary is first mentioned all the way back in Genesis. Genesis 3.15 to be specific when God is talking to the dreaded serpent and says he will put enmity between him and the woman. Ask any lady and she'll admit that to be true of her and snakes! However, this "woman" is not "women" but Mary. "How so?" you ask. See, the verse goes on to speak of the "seed" of this woman, and that her seed will be at direct odds with the product of the snake (Satan). Knowing that this is the only time of scripture where a child is spoken to have been born from the lineage of a woman and not the father, this is a special occasion. Galatians 4.4 again speaks of a special child born of a "woman"... Jesus, and Mary. Today we would think nothing special would be meant if we said a child was born of a woman but in Biblical days this was big stuff. Okay, so being born of a woman is one thing we know about Jesus' momma, but we also know that she was a virgin... or do we?

Isaiah 7.14 says that a virgin will conceive. We all know that is impossible! Actually the Hebrew text says that an "almah" will conceive, and "almah" is literally translated "young woman". The appropriate Hebrew word for virgin is "bethulah", but that is not what Isaiah 7.14 says. Could it really mean that Mary had been knocking boots with Joseph after all and the virgin birth this was just a fun twist to lead us on? Maybe Isaiah was talking about his own son who was born just a short while after 7.14 was written? Let's dig deeper because we know that just because someone is a young woman it does not mean they are not a virgin also. If we look at the life of Rebekah in Genesis 24.16 we see that she was a maiden (Bethulah), and then a couple chapters later she is an "almah" (24.43). See, Rebekah is a "young virgin woman." Is that too what Mary was? About 2 centuries after Isaiah wrote these words the Jewish community showed that they knew exactly what an "almah" was when they translated it as "parthenos" when penning the Septuagent (Hebrew Bible translated to Greek), and "parthenos" is undoubtedly a virgin. So, yes, Mary was a virgin.

Looking at scripture we can know exactly who Mary was, but how can there be so much controversy around her if things seem so cut and dry? Controversy comes into the equation when people try to add or subtract from what is recorded in the Bible. Lets take a few moments and look at what the Bible does not say about Mary.

1. Mary had a c-section. Some people believe that somehow God miraculously removed Jesus from her uterus. They feel there is some shame cast upon Jesus and or Mary to have travelled down the birth canal and through private areas of the female anatomy. This is a ridiculous claim, it is like telling a butterfly that it is worthless because it had to struggle its way out of the cocoon. Micah 5.3 is talking about Mary and says she "travaileth" or labors. If God did a supernatural c-section there would be no laboring.

2. Mary was a virgin her whole life. I can't believe the Council of Constantinople actually came to this conclusion! Major religious leaders on both sides of the Protestant and Catholic borders believe this! Think of this realistically. God designed marriage to have a physical union and Paul even speaks of neglecting that union as being a sin that leads to more sin. Matthew 1.25 says that Joseph didn't have sex with Mary until after the child was born, implying they had sex after that. Also, Mary had other kids! Since God only had one child and didn't not impregnate anyone else via the Holy Spirit we know Mary and Joseph must have made babies just like everyone else; dim the lights, put on some love songs, get some oil...

3. The virgin birth was taken from mythology. Nice try but look at the facts, the OT prophecies were nearly all written before mythology.

4. Believing in the virgin birth means you have salvation. Mary's virgin birth does not prove anything for you along the lines of salvation. Romans 10.9 says how one is rescued/saved and it mentions nothing about the virgin birth. Several groups believe in the virgin birth but also believe Jesus is an archangel or simply a prophet and that certainly won't rescue you from the curse upon humanity.

5. Sin nature comes through the father. Yes, some believe that the reason that Jesus didn't have a sin nature is because his father was God and not a man and it then means that it is the male genes that cast sin upon the next generation. Speaking of genes; if you believe that, get your head out of your jeans and read Romans 3.23 "For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Nice try feminist-man-haters but you aren't perfect either. Mary herself referenced her need of a savior in Luke 1.46-47.

6. God had sex with Mary. People do believe that. In High School a kid told me this and I about laughed out loud. "If God had sex with her than she wouldn't be a virgin." I told him. He went to his church and came back this this reply, "They said if you have sex with God it doesn't count." LOL! Luke 1.35 says, "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee...". I may be wrong but the Holy Ghost is not the body of God but the every present active force of God, right? Since he does not have a body he cannot have penetrating sex, right? Furthermore, the only way for God to have sex with Mary is to have the body part of him do it which is Jesus. So, Jesus would have been sent by the father to sleep with Mary to get her pregnant with Himself. Go ahead, read that again and you'll still be scratching your head. Of course, this view is only held by people who do not hold the trinity.

7. The virgin birth is not important. I'll admit there are some who put way to much emphasis on Mary and the virgin birth, but my view does NOT mean this is not important. Some wonder "Can you be a true Christian and not believe in the virgin birth?" My answer is "NO!" To that some of you just moved your mouse to the back button and this I just turned into a radical right-wing legalistic holy-rolling Christian. Hear me out. When we put our faith in Jesus Christ we are putting our faith in all that he has done for us. Past. Present. Future. We commit to him and have faith in him. Sure, we certainly don't know everything about him when we are a new Christian but our faith says that we will accept Him and everything about him as we crawl out from under the shadow of ignorance. Now, if we start picking and choosing which parts of Jesus we follow we are only having "conditional faith" and conditional faith does not produce salvation. The truth is that every part of Jesus' life is important and it all weaves together to produce the Jesus of our salvation.

All of this being said, what should we think of Mary. We know that she was a young virgin woman whom God used as the human vessel to bring his Son into the world, but is the she most holy female to ever live?

Mary is an incredible woman. Luke 1.30 tells us that God had found favor with her. However, she is not the only woman God ever found favor with. Mary happened to be the woman he found favor with to execute this part of his redemptive plan. Throughout history God has found favor with many, many men and women used them to work out his plan. Mary was one of these women at the point of history when he would send his body, Jesus Christ, to enter the world. Mary is an example of what God can do with someone who is willing to be used by him.

Mary is an example to follow, not an object to worship. Her example can teach us all something. God new that this was a bold move to have her be pregnant before marriage but it had to be so. Her life was one which carried shame and reproach from the outside world but it was still part of God's plan. Mary stepped up the the plate and hit a home run. She didn't back down. Mary loved God. Mary kept herself pure before marriage. Mary was faithful to her man. Mary was a good mother. Bottom line; Mary was not perfect, but she serves as a great example to us. Just like there were some struggles which came along with her divine calling, there will be some for us, but we too can step up the the plate and hit a home run in faithfulness to God.

Mary never claimed to be what many have made her out to be. In reality she was an ordinary woman who looked to an extraordinary God.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What does Jesus Mean for Today?

Okay, so we all know that Jesus was around a really long time ago and died on a cross, came back to life, yada, yaha, yada... But why should I care? Does he really care about me now? I think he just sits on a some rocking chair in the sky waiting to ruin the world someday and get snapped back into reality that we are here.

The above is a common view of Jesus, and if you that is your view of Jesus you are in luck. Although this perception of Jesus is very common, there is truth out there that you need to know. You are right, Jesus was a guy who was around a really long time ago and he did die on a cross and came back to life, but he is not just sitting on a rocking chair practicing his aim throwing lightening bolts. Jesus is very active, maybe even more so than when he was here on earth. "Doing what?" you ask; working for you.

You see, in the Old Testamant we see all the ways that God worked before Jesus (the body of God) came to earth. God communicated with regular people of faith and instructed them how to get to know Him more. The three main offices that helped people get to know God were the Prophets, the Priests, and even the King. God guided them and thier experiences to help us. Once Jesus came and lived the life He did, dying for us, coming back to life, and ascending back to heaven, everything changed.

While the Old Testament people relied on the three main offices to aid in the relationship to God, we rely on Jesus because he has now taken on those roles. Jesus is our prophet, our priest, and our King. Now, you may not recognize Him as that yet, but He is. Jesus is speaking to you and wanting to guide you but it all comes down to you letting him. You see, God may have the unlimited power of the universe, but he is still to much of a gentlemen to force himself upon you; you have to openly and willingly recognize God.

You will really find a lot of good stuff on this if you watch our sermon in this series "finding answers. together." You are not the first person who searched for spiritual truth, we all do. Right now I want to partner with you on your search. Join me and watch this.