Last May I joined a forum site called "DerbyTalk" (http://www.derbytalk.com/). It is a site that allows members to ask and discuss any question about the Pinewood Derby topic. After joining the site I saw that there were ranks associated with each member; Apprentice, Journeymen, Pine Head, Master Pine Head, and Moderator. Immediately I thought, "Wow, that would be cool to actually know enough to be in the high ranks of knowledge of the Pinewood Derby (PWD) world. As a sat with the rank of Apprentice I wanted to know more. I began to read the posts people had written and gain knowledge. I felt as though I was gaining experience and wisdom through other people's testing, success, and failure. The more I read, the more I became confident; the more I became confident the more I would reply to other peoples questions, and the more I replied to other peoples the questions the high rank I began to receive.
There is something that feels good inside of us when someone has a question that we have the answer to. We may not have an answer all the time, and we may not always have the right answer, but it still feels good when we get it right. More and more I find people asking me about a PWD subject. When they do I have a moral dilemma; since I race against many of these people whom ask questions outside of Derbytalk I have to choose whether to give them the best answer and have them potentially beat me, or tell them a portion of the answer so they have a less likely chance of beating me. So, how do I answer? I tell them what I know. I appreciate that people have been patient and honest in teaching me. If I withhold what I know then the next generation of racers will be at a disadvantage. I would rather leave a legacy of aiding in victory rather than a trail of defeat.
As I have contributed to helping inform racers on DerbyTalk, I recently achieved the highest level of ranking that anyone can achieve without being personally selected for a moderator selection (and since all of the limited number of positions are fulfilled I can't go any higher). I am now officially a "Master Pine Head"; a title which I am honored to wear.
So, what does all of this have to do with a church website's blog? A lot. When someone comes to Christ they are often on fire and want to know more about God. We instruct them that they need to start reading and learning about God and how he can transform their life. The more they begin to learn about God the more they find that they gain experience and knowledge from others around them whom have been a Christian for a longer time. The more experience and knowledge you receive the more confident you become and begin to witness and answer the spiritual questions of the people around you. Soon people start to ask questions because they are confident that you will have the answer and that you know what you are talking about. And, in the end you receive a rank from God in eternity of a "Faithful Servant".
A portion of Matthew 25 tells of a group workers who were giving a talent (portion of money that was given for a natural ability the person had. "Talent" was originally a financial term but what it was used for is what it is now become. It was the payment given to the painter or musician on the corner, the task that someone did extraordinarily well that came natural to them.) The workers were sent out to do what they could naturally do well and use this money wisely. It didn't require anything outrageous, just what was natural. When the workers returned the Master examined the talents and saw that 2 had doubled their money and the other had held on to what he had and wasn't even willing to use what he had to generate what he didn't have. The one who had refused using his natural gift to create and increase was forced to give it up the the faithful; and to the faith the master said, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord" Matthew 25.21.
What are we doing with the natural ability God has given us. You don't have to go out of your way to make something of yourself for Christ; you just need to be willing to use what you have and it will naturally increase.
When it comes to Christ are you willing to give it all so you have lead a legacy of victory, or a trail of defeat?