"Hey Pastor, do you think I can come early to church tonight and talk to you about something?" was the phone call I received recently from a new Christian. "Of course" I replies wondering what it was that they needed to talk about. (Pastor immediately have the question go through their head, "Oh great, now what did I do or say to make someone mad.")
Sure enough we met and had a great chat, but the issue at hand was one that is becoming more and more common. People are wondering, "How could someone love me, like me, or give their life for me?" We have become a society that doesn't see ourselves as worth anything. Why? Here is my top 5 list of why people are having self worth issues.
1. Satan cannot steal the soul of a believer, but he will reek havoc on the mind and body in attempt to distract us from seeing God more clearly.
2. We think more of what we think we are worth, or what others think we are worth, than what God has demonstrated we are worth...His life.
3. Society has convinced us that if we don't look or act a certain way we are nothing. Unfortunately, the "acceptable" way is not achievable by the average person thus leaving them to feel inadequate.
4. Money has become our security. Since our economy is bad our security is gone.
5. Psalm 14.1 "A fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God'." When we remove God we become the fool. Foolish actions and thinking do not lead to personal value or a personal Savior.
So, what advice do I give to the person who is struggling with self worth? Since this person was a believe I focused on the most likely cause of the issue (no.1 above). The last thing Satan wants the believe to do is to live like one, think like one, or speak like one; so he will silence them at all costs. Satan is trying to distract the believer by feeding them lies; sometimes the lie is about self worth, but it is not limited to this; doubt, fear, depression, worry, physical ailments, and many more things can all be the distracting forces of Satan.
If you are dealing with the issues of self worth, here is some help:
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. ~ Matthew 10.30 God doesn’t just care for you or about you, He cares so much that He even knows how many hairs are on your head.
Cast your burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee…~ Psalm 55.22 You were never intended to carry the hard times of life; you were intended to turn them over to God and He will carry both you and the burden.
Casting all your care upon him; for he cares for you. ~ I Peter 5.7 You aren’t a waste of time to God. Just like we only tell our closest friends that we are there for them and tell them to call when there is a problem; God does that to us. Why? Because he cares and considers us as close friends.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. ~ John 15.13-14 Jesus did lay down his life for you as a demonstration of His love to you. You were worth it to Him.
For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet perhaps for a good man some would even dare to die. But God demonstrates his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. ~Romans 5.7-8 People don’t give their lives for no reason. You were important enough because God saw you as you can be with faith in Him.
…Sparrows…not one is forgotten by God…you have more value than many sparrows. Luke 12.6-7 God has his eye on every one of his creation, even the smallest of birds. If he cares enough to go bird watching, he certainly is caring for his crowning creation: You.
Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… Genesis 1.26 You were created to in the image of God. If you deny your goodness and worth you are denying the goodness of God. God made you something special in resemblance of him.
You were not bought with corruptible things like silver or gold… but with the precious blood of Christ… I Peter 1.18-19 Silver and Gold have some value and can buy some nice things, but you were worth more than money to God, you were worth Jesus.
You are so valuable to God that he paid the highest price just to have you; Don't let Satan convince you of anything else.