Welcome to the MBBC Blog

Welcome to the official blog of the Millett Bible Baptist Church. I hope you are able to find enrichement and worth in your life through the postings made on this site. Please make sure to visit our main site at http://www.millettbbc.org/.We are a Baptist Church by name and a Bible Church by action. Please take a walk on this spiritual journey called life with us as we further our quest of truth in the name of Jesus Christ.We believe in a positive approach to the issues of life and we find the answers to be in the Bible. The Bible contains the answer to life, and they are free for the taking, all you have to do is open it to begin unlocking the rich life God has set for you.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Recognizing Satan

Satan is real. Demons are real. Hell is real. Too often we walk around with the great misconception that God is real and all of His angels and all of the good things in life are real at puppies and cute cuddley kittens... but anything that is evil must never be talked about or recognized as reality.

Last Sunday I had opportunity to sit with a man broken and warn from the pressures that alcohol had placed upon him as he was enslaved to it for decades. It had cost him is family, his wife, and nearly his entire life. At the end of his rope he had found help through a local support group but knew it was time go beyond a support group and come face to face with God almighty. He didn't know where to start. After all, how could the God of the universe love someone who was so evil and irresponsible. The largest hurdle standing between this man and a true relationship with the Father was a relationship with Jesus Christ, but how could he be forgiven?

We all of a tendancy of putting God into a closet until we have the rest of the house cleaned up. Yes, we may even let him in unto salvation but quickly wisp Him away so not to reveal the mess we have occumulated over the years. This is an easy trap to fall into but also a deadly one.

While counseling this man he came to realize that we aren't to get our life in order and then come to God; we must go to God and let him get our life in order. I Corinthians 3.6 says "For I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase." What is to be learned here? We can't do anything on our own. God is the one who does the real work, we must let Him.

That man ended up giving his broken life to Jesus and with tears in his eyes he rose from that prayer a man who had a clean rap sheet in life. No matter was man could throw at him or Satan temp him with, he was free.

We all picture Satan to be an evil man who dresses in red and carries a pointy pitchfork, but the reality is, Satan is alive and active in trying to tell us things like, "You aren't good enough to go to God yet", "That isn't a big enough issue for God", or "Your wasting His time." Recognize Satan and cast him far away from you in the name of Jesus Christ.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Mentors being Mentored

One of my passions in the ministry is training up a new generation to continue the cycle of godliness in the midst of darkness. At the current time I am the Sr. Pastor doubling as the Youth Pastor also which makes thing very busy but also has its rewards.

Last week end I was the adult male sponsor for a winter retreat at Lake Ann Camp called Freeze Out. Going into the trip there were some concerns about some of our youth spiritually. Everything from Salvation to sanctification was consuming my prayers for the weekend. Thankfully we have an amazing God that hears our prayers and likes to see people get closer to him as well.

The theme of the weekend was building a Faith of Virtue. All were encouraged to look past your salvation, and make a life and lifestyle commitment to godliness. On saturday night the focus was on salvation, but also taking a stand. Two areas which are fimiliar to teens were highlighted: Teens from divorced homes, and teens who are the only one who go to church in their homes. The youth workers of each church were asked to pray over all the teens fitting that description within our group. We had 9 kids in our group, and 7 of them fit in that group along with one sponsor. Looking around the chapel some churches were in blank stares because no one in their group were in those situations, but we were and that time was there just for us. It was through that that we saw a girl get saved, and several opened up emotionally and let God take over their bittnerness and anger that had been bottled up for years. Following the service we all met in the dining hall to challenge us to be accountable to each other, not just God, because we are part of a body and have encourage our brothers and sister to stay true to God and stand up for what is right.

Freeze Out is a weekend that is designed for teenagers, but it hit me where I needed it. No, I didn't come from a split home, nor was I the only person in the family that went to church, but it taught me a valuable lesson. Many time we take the areas in life that we feel lost in our out of control in, and since we don't know how to handle them we put them in our pockets and think they will go away. They don't. We must take these things out of our pocket and lay them on the alter before God. If something is out of our control it is in God's. It is not our fault, it is our opportunity to be blessed and be a blessing.

For the first time in nearly 3 years knowing some of these teens I saw them praying for each others and helping each other through difficulties by the Word God, and communication with God.

Some of the teens went just expecting to have fun. They did, but God had more instore for them. You and I might we doing things just becasue they are fun, and if they aren't we hide them in our pockets. I Peter 5.7 says we are to cast our cares upon him... why? because he is madly in love with you and cares for you. Don't forget that. You are never too old, too rich, too wealth, too health or too see the grace of God... but you might make yourself too stupid. Don't. Open your eyes and bask in the light of God's grace.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

From the Skeletons to the Defensive Line

Last week I was sitting on the couch watching the new game show called, "To tell the truth" and began to think of all the parts within me that I don't want anyone to know. The skeletons in my closet that I would never want to be brought to life; not because I am a Pastor, but because I am ashamed to admit the failures I have. In a book I recently read it told of how each person, especially men in positions of leadership have a fear in common, the fear of being exposed for all of what goes on in our hearts and in our minds. The fact is that God already knows what these things are and to him they are not skeletons, they are an army of defense blocking us from the true presence of the Father.

This week was also the Super Bowl where the best football players in the world gather to show who is boss. Within the game stand a brick wall of players all weighing twice my weigh and able to bench press three times as much. As I watched it accured to me that those living skeletons I have kept hidden so long were not skin and bones before the Father, they were like the defensive line of the the worlds best football teams.

All of this can seem overwhelming when we consider that this brick wall of garage we've hidden in our lives is keeping us from the life of abundance Jesus died to give us. One will begin to feel on of two things when this reality strikes. 1. I am hopeless. 2. What is the use, I'll never be perfect, and just continue with the defensive line in full force. What is one to do?

Back to the game show. If the contestant want to defeat the game they have to do only one thing... be honest. It sounds easy, but the people they love the most are present, and those are the people we try to hide these skeletons from the most. What can we do?

Just like in "To tell the Truth" we must simply be honest. Honest before God. Honest before ourselves. Honest before others. Stop living in the fantasy world that if we ignore something no one will, know, care, or be hurt.

What we see as an impossible obstacle is a mere illusion of perspective. God has the power and the desire to wipe out that entire defensive line in one easy blow but it will require that we come clean with him in all areas.

That settles being honest with God. What about being honest with ourselves and others. That is not as easy and may be a process, but it is acheivable.